Tender No. Title Upload On Last Date File
No. HimTU-4(Estate)A-19/2022-1954-56 Notice Inviting Quotations for Cleaning of Sewerage Line/Chambers/Manhole 19-03-2025 24-03-2025 VIEW
GEM/2025/B/6035462 e-Tender Notice for Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract of Data Centre of HP Technical University, Daruhi, Hamirpur 10-03-2025 28-03-2025 VIEW
HPTU/Purchase/Tender/04/2025/1654 Tender Document for Sale of Used Answer Scripts lying in HPTU Hamirpur 04-03-2025 22-03-2025 VIEW
HPTU/Purchase/Tender/01/25/786 Auction Notice for used theory & practical answer scripts and other used stationery items 24-01-2025 01-02-2025 VIEW
HPTU/Purchase/Tender/10/24/8846 Auction Notice for used stationery items lying at H.P. Technical University, Daruhi, Hamirpur 07-12-2024 21-12-2024 VIEW
HPTU/Purchase/Tender/5/2024/-8740 Corrigendum regarding Tender Document for Printing and supply of 40 pages bar-coded answer scripts (with OMR sheet as cover page), and Printing and supply of Green Memos for H. P. Technical University Hamirpur 30-11-2024 VIEW
HPTU/Purchase/Tender/5/2024/-8648 Tender Document for Printing and supply of 40 pages bar coded answer scripts (with OMR sheet as cover page), and Printing and supply of Green Memos for H. P. Technical University Hamirpur 26-11-2024 19-12-2024 VIEW
HPTU/Purchase/08/2024-8637 Notice Inviting Tender for Security Services 26-11-2024 17-12-2024 VIEW
HPTU/Purchase/Tender/09/2024-8557 Tender Document for Empanelment Of Agency For Providing Housekeeping & General Services 21-11-2024 17-12-2024 VIEW
HimTU-4(Estate)A-25/2024-8428-30 Notice Inviting Quotations for Hiring of Vehicles for Convocation Duty 19-11-2024 20-11-2024 VIEW
HPTU/Purchase/Tender/09/24/-8420 Limited Tender for Sale of Used Answer Scripts & Other used Stationary Items Lying in HPTU Hamirpur 13-11-2024 28-11-2024 VIEW
HPTU/FB/Printer/28/2013Voll-2-8143 Tender for empanelment/Rate Contract for providing Toner Cartridge 30-10-2024 12-11-2024 VIEW
HPTU/Purchase/7/2024-7512 Tender for AMC of Photostat machine of Ricoh, Xerox & HP Brand/company 19-10-2024 07-11-2024 VIEW
HimTU-4(Estate)A-19/2022-7296 Notice Inviting Quotations for Repair/Maintenance of VRV System 10-10-2024 16-10-2024 VIEW
HPTU/CAMC of Fire Fighting system/02/2024-5495 Tender Document for Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract (CAMC) and repair of Fire Fighting System and Fire Alarm System Installed in Admin Block and Academic Block of H. P. Technical University, Daruhi, Hamirpur (HP) 16-08-2024 06-09-2024 VIEW
HPTU/FB/Purchase/Computer/2013/IV Tender Notice Inviting Quotation for CISCO Webex License Software by 02-08-2024 19-07-2024 02-08-2024 VIEW
HPTU/Environment Science/Lab equipment/2024/01 Extension of Last date for bid submission for supply and set up of laboratory equipment’s, chemical and glassware/plastic ware 02-03-2024 11-03-2024 VIEW
HPTU/Environment Science/Lab equipment/2024/01-1215 Short Tender Notice to Supply and set up of Laboratory Equipment’s, Chemicals and Glassware/Plastic ware for environmental Science Laboratory in academic block of HPTU 19-02-2024 01-03-2024 VIEW
HPTU/Environment Science/Lab equipment/2024/01 Tender Document of Supply of Laboratory Equipment’s, Chemical and Glassware/Plastic Ware for Environmental Science Laboratory 24-01-2024 08-02-2024 VIEW
Tender Summary in respect of online admission cum counselling and examination modules including hosting for H. P. Technical University Hamirpur 06-12-2023 VIEW
Tender No. 13/2023-7099 Corrigendum regarding extension of last date for sale of used Answer Scripts & Old Newspaper upto 4.12.2023 22-11-2023 04-12-2023 VIEW
Minutes of Meeting in respect of Tender for Web-based Solution/Application for online Admission and Exam. Modules 2023 08-11-2023 VIEW
Tender No. 13/2023-5758 Tender document for sale of used answer scripts and old newspaper lying in Himachal Pradesh Technical University Hamirpur 07-11-2023 21-11-2023 VIEW
Tender No. HPTU/Purchase/Tender/Online Admission & Exam Modules 2023-6671 Tender Document for Web-Based Solution/Application for Online Admission cum Counselling and Examination modules including hosting for Himachal Pradesh Technical University Hamirpur 02-11-2023 21-11-2023 VIEW
Tender No. 11/2023-4109 TENDER DOCUMENT of Preparation jobs for evaluation of 40 pages bar coded answer books (with OMR sheet as cover page) 27-07-2023 07-08-2023 VIEW
Tender No. HPTU/Purchase/Tender No. 12/2023- Printing and supply of 40 pages bar coded answer scripts (with OMR sheet as cover page), Printing and supply of 8 scripts of practical answer scripts and Green Memo 17-06-2023 01-07-2023 VIEW
Tender No.HPTU-66(IT)A-4/2022/-3061 Notice Inviting Quotation for CISCO Webex License Software 17-06-2023 26-06-2023 VIEW
Tender No. VRV system2023-2637 Corrigendum of Tender for Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract (CAMC) and Repair for Variable Refrigerant Volume (VRV System) make Toshiba Installed in HP Technical University, Hamirpur (HP) 12-06-2023 VIEW
Tender No. HPTU/Purchase/Library/01/2023-2839 Corrigendum regarding Purchase of Library books for Himachal Pradesh Technical University Hamirpur 08-06-2023 VIEW
Tender No. VRV system2023-2637 Tender Document for Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract (CAMC) and Repair for Variable Refrigerant Volume (VRV System) make Toshiba Installed in HP Technical University, Hamirpur (HP) 27-05-2023 12-06-2023 VIEW
Tender No. HPTU/Purchase/Tender No. 09/2023-2639 Corrigendum Regarding Printing and Supply of 40 Pages Bar Coded Answer Scripts (with OMR Sheet as Cover Page), Printing and Supply of 8 Pages Practical Answer Scripts and Printing and Supply of Green Memo 26-05-2023 2-06-2023 VIEW
Tender No. HPTU/Purchase/Tender No. 11/2023-2640 Corrigendum Regarding Preparation Jobs for Evaluation of 40 Pages Bar Coded Answer Books (with OMR Sheet as Cover Page) 26-05-2023 2-06-2023 VIEW
Tender No. Himtu-4(Estate)A23/fire extinguisher system/2023-2565 Tender Notice For Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract (CAMC) and Repair of Fire Fighting System Installed in H.P. Technical University, Hamirpur (HP) 25-05-2023 12-06-2023 VIEW
Tender No. Himtu-4(Estate)A-14/2022(AMC-EPABX)-2567 Tender Notice For Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract (CAMC) For EPABX Telephone Communication System Make Alcatel Omni PCX e-Communication Appliance Installed in H.P. Technical University, Hamirpur (HP) 25-05-2023 12-06-2023 VIEW
Tender No. HPTU/Purchase/Tender No.11/2023-2563 Corrigendum regarding Preparation jobs for evaluation of 40 pages bar coded answer books (with OMR sheet as cover page) 19-05-2023 25-05-2023 VIEW
Tender No. HPTU/Purchase/Tender No.11/2023-2408 Corrigendum regarding Preparation jobs for evaluation of 40 pages bar coded answer books (with OMR sheet as cover page) 11-05-2023 VIEW
Tender No. HPTU/Purchase/Library/01/2023-2350 Tender for Supply of Books for the Library of H.P. Technical University Daruhi, Hamirpur 10-05-2023 12-06-2023 VIEW
Tender No. 12/2023 dated 10-05-2023 Tender for Printing and Supply of 40 Pages Bar Coded Answer Scripts (with OMR as Cover Page), Printing and Supply of 8 Scripts of Practical Answer Scripts and Green Memo 10-05-2023 25-05-2023 VIEW
Tender No. 11/2023-1899 TENDER DOCUMENT of Preparation jobs for evaluation of 40 pages bar coded answer books (with OMR sheet as cover page) 21-04-2023 11-05-2023 VIEW
Extension Notice regarding Tender for Design, Development, Execution, Maintenance of Web based Application i.e. online Examination, Re-Evaluation and Convocation form for all students enrolled in the Himachal Pradesh Technical University Hamirpur upto 10.04.2023 06-04-2023 10-04-2023 VIEW
HPTU/FB-I/Purchase/Store/32/2011-1504 Notice Inviting Quotation for Yoga material 22-03-2023 04-04-2023 VIEW
Tender No. 11/2023 Tender Document for Preparation jobs for evaluation of 40 pages bar coded answer books (with OMR Sheet as cover page) 20-03-2023 10-04-2023 VIEW
HPTU/Purchase/Library/01/2023-1394 Corrigendum regarding extension of last date for supply of books for the library of H.P. Technical University, Daruhi, Hamirpur (H.P.) upto 25.03.2025 by 1:00 PM 15-03-2023 25-03-2023 VIEW
HPTU/Purchase/Tender/Online Form 2023-6 Tender for Design, Development, Execution, Maintenance of Web based Application i.e. online Examination, Re-Evaluation and Convocation form for all students enrolled in the Himachal Pradesh Technical University Hamirpur 14-03-2023 3-04-2023 VIEW
HPTU/Purchase/Library/01/2023- Tender Notice For Supply of Books For The Library of H.P. Technical University Daruhi, Hamirpur 17-02-2023 13-03-2023 VIEW
HPTU/FB-1/Stationary/31/2015-420 Notice Inviting Quotation for Calendar, Table Calendar & Diary HPTU Campus Daruhi Hamirpur 30-1-2023 06-02-2023 VIEW
HPTU/FB-1/Stationary/31/2015-76 Notice Inviting Quotation for Calendar, Table Calendar & Diary HPTU Campus at Daruhi Hamirpur 6-1-2023 21-01-2023 VIEW
Himtu-4 (Estate)A-17/2021-6378 Notice For Inviting Tenders For Hiring Vehicle 30-12-2022 19-01-2023 VIEW
Himtu/Fin-1/Purchase/Misc file/2013/Vol-02/-6250 Notice Inviting Quotation for Sports Items for HPTU School Campus Daruhi 21-12-2022 11-01-2023 VIEW